24 April, 2009
Lost In Reading
I hope the next time I blog I understand what happened.
Please, if you understood it better than me, help a sister out. Tell me why this happened!
22 April, 2009
What Do You Believe?__ Grits
Believe Ft. Jennifer Knapp
everybody needs something to see
something to feel
and something to be
everybody needs something as proof
something in hand
to know the truth
livin lavish like the biltmore
what the blood spilt for
a ship in harbor safe
but that aint what its built for
do all i can to help you get more
if you forgive my slight intrusion
i see this night is confusin
a constant fight with illusions
shed a light on conclusions
what you desire is a way out
day in and day out
do not disturb signs so i’ll stay out
how long will you let the torture grasp you
i see spirits manifestin
blockin blessings with the questions
that you hear me ask you
keep it up so muchwill pass you
you can make it on a prayer
yeah that’s true
but barely getting by when you can do more
why would you want to
forgettin’ that the wood’s dry and the fires on you
lifes a hastle
be prepared to rastle
it can be rough
but it don’t have to
you can make it full of smiles
something to laugh to
so pick and chose my message thick
so squeeze and watch it ooze
make it a game to where your fears lose
lets go
theres a way that seems right
in the heart of a man
and many angels of light
in disguise destroying man
so most chose to refuse
replace it with lies
use ignorance as an excuse
it’s hard to conceive
what the mind can’t comprehend
and harder to believe
what the eyes cant understand
we look to theory philosophy and thought
for a sure foundation
in a belief we once sought
while the shadow of truth
cast an image so clear
the closer it gets
we reject it out of fear
if we really wanted truth
we would give our lives for it
walk in its direction of light
for gods glory
so the saga continues
cause most hearts are deceived
if we really wanted truth
we would live and believe
still the saga continues
cause most hearts are deceived
if we really wanted truth
we would live and believe in it
the absolute truth
20 April, 2009
The Eye of the Storm

I've been reading the novel Power by Linda Hogan. At first it was really slow moving but now I am hooked and can't stop reading. At one point in the novel Omishto, the protagonist, begins describing a storm. As I was reading it I immediately thought of when your parents get mad at you. I don't know why I thought of this, but I think it is because her relationship with her parents plays such a crucial role in the book. She frequently describes and defines herself through her relationship with her mom. One of the most moving quotes that I found was when Omishto described one of the main reasons why she liked Ama. It was when Ama said, "You're nothing like her [Omishto's mother] at all." Omishto then said that is was why she liked Ama. Omishto didn't want to be correlated to her mother or any of her family, for that matter.
But back to the eye of the storm. I think that due to Omishto's turbulent family lifestyle when she began describing the eye of the storm I immediatley thought of when parents get angry. Omishto described a storm to follow, afterwards I will show how it relates to a parents anger.
"That heavy moment of silence dark gray with weight. It is dead still as if I am in a clear eye of destruction, a calm heart dressed in a skin of fury, but it's not even the eye of the storm, it's the silence before it hits, the time it takes to infale, to gether itself. I have time, I hope, in this clear space, to make it back to Ama, as if she holds safety in her skin, as if the house will hold me safe even though it's dying and rotting away"
"heavy moment of silence dark gray with weight"= The time just after you break the news to your parents, "I just rear ended a car...it was my fault I was texting."
"dead still as if I am in a clear eye of destruction"= the look your parents give you when they hear this then the inital rash decision, "I am taking away your car for the rest of your life"
"a calm hear dressed in a skin of fury...not even the eye of the storm"= because they have just heard this information they become silent after their initial response. they then begin rethinking things, consequences, punishments, what is appropriate and what is not.
"I hope...the house will hold me safe even though it's dying and rotting away"= Our last ditch attempt to get us out of trouble a quick "But I was texting you to tell you I was on my way home" the guilt, 'it-was-your-fault-so-you-have-to-take-some-of-the-blame' reverse psychology that never works on parents.

**Situation purely hypothetical and in no way meant to be real-life, non-fiction